Spiritual Retreats & Events

Know One Self with Jenny Maria & Barret


Spiritual retreats and events with Jenny Maria & Barret offer spiritual and emotional healing full of divine care, presence and guidance, based in the profound metaphysics of A Course in Miracles. 

By allowing the Holy Spirit to come through, Jenny & Barret will gently guide and support you. Name and bring your healing Quest to the spiritual retreat, along with your desire for what you most pray for, or intend to experience. During each session you are invited to explore any remaining blocks to the awareness of love’s presence. The approach is always one of healing through the guidance of getting in touch with and gently releasing, emotional blocks and unsupportive beliefs. This we do for our self and the Whole Universe at once.

To experience what a session with Jenny & Barret can be like, watch their YouTube channel of online gatherings.

Scroll through Jenny & Barret’s list of ACIM inspired events below. To be the first to hear about new A Course in Miracles retreats, events and workshops, please click here to sign up to their mailing list.


A Course in Miracles Satsang

We come together for a time of realigning the mind with Truth. We share the profound message of A Course in Miracles as a Satsang with meditation followed by opportunities for emotional and spiritual healing.
The sessions are recorded and sometimes shared on YouTube afterwards. 

Dates & Times

Join from anywhere in the world online via Zoom.

Morning Sessions: 
Saturdays, 9:00am Spain Time Zone (CET)

Evening Sessions: 
Thursdays  and Sundays, 7:30pm Spain Time Zone (CET)


Free – donations are gratefully received

Sign Up

Sign up by emailing us at contact@awakentolove.net and put in the subject line: “ACIM Satsang”. 
Donations can be sent to: PayPal.me/JennyandBarret (Selecting ‘Sending to Friends/Family’ or declining Payment Protection saves you needing to cover incurred fees)

Please remember to state your full name, email address and the event you are signing up for when you make your donation.

Make sure you have a room/space to be in quiet with as few distractions as possible. If you have people around you we recommend that you use a headset when you attend our sessions. Come a few minutes early to meditate/settle in and be ready and present for our session together. We look forward to our joining!

Jenny Maria & Barret

*By attending a session with us you agree to have your image recorded and possibly distributed for the purpose of Awakening and healing. We often share a portion of our recorded sessions publicly, as prayerfully guided by the Holy Spirit. 

There is a choice that you have power to make when you have seen the real alternatives. Until that point is reached you have no choice. 
