Connect with Jenny Maria & Barret

If you have any questions, or you’d like to sign up for a One-to-One Healing or Spiritual Direction session via Zoom, send us a message via WhatsApp.

Donations & Offerings

If you would like to support Jenny & Barret’s work and the Miracle message they share, your love offering is welcomed and warmly received. Jenny & Barret serve freely and gratefully accept any contribution which help them continue to extend the Truth. To donate, please select ‘send to a friend’/deselect ‘paying  for goods or services’ option on PayPal:

   Eternal Gratitude & Blessings!

“Jenny’s loving, strong and clear guidance makes it easy – even playful – to look inside and see, that there is in Truth, nothing to be scared of. She has a depth and caring hand that reaches and touches deeply into the soul.”


Hélène Martenet


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