Spiritual Guidance
Guidance Sessions with Jenny Maria & Barret
Jenny and Barret are used as channels for the Holy Spirit and higher self. By listening to higher guidance for the healing of the issues and problems you may bring up in a session, they are able to help you remove the underlying feelings of stuckness, relationship issues, fear and anxiety.
All spiritual guidance sessions are offered in full Trust. The offering / donation for these life changing sessions is €125.
“You have a gift for making people feel valuable, for listening to them and making them feel safe to come forward and be healed.”
Joan Bachmann
To book a session please send your offering to Awaken to Love / Fundación Despierta Al Amor using this Paypal link:
Please include a range of your best days and times to connect along with your full name and a request for a Spiritual Guidance Session. Also, select ‘Sending to Family/Friends’ on PayPal to minimise fees, or add 5€ if unable to do so. For further details, click here to contact Jenny and Barret directly.
Love is like an open hand,
where the bird feels free to land.